On the Night: Igwedinma Okafor Turns Twenty-Four

A photo journal documenting Igwedinma Okafor's 24th Birthday (23 May 2018)

Igwedinma Okafor is a creative director and style influencer. His work can be found on countless fashion and style journals, newspapers, and magazines. You're invited to view is his Instagram and his website, www.igeeokafor.com.

A select few of his friends joined him for a surprise evening at Mr. Chow, a Chinese restaurant in Tribeca, NYC. Photos by Benjamin Schmidt unless otherwise noted. Happy Birthday Igwedinma!

Igwedinma Smiling (2018)

Igwedinma Smiling (2018)

Jacket (2018)

Jacket (2018)

Isiuwa (2018)

Isiuwa (2018)

Nailah and B (2018)

Nailah and B (2018)

Andrea (2018)

Andrea (2018)

Alexis (2018)

Alexis (2018)

Marko (2018)

Marko (2018)

B (2018)

B (2018)

Nails (2018)

Nails (2018)

Potstickers (2018)

Potstickers (2018)

Family Style Meal (2018)

Family Style Meal (2018)

My hand touching a plate (2018)

My hand touching a plate (2018)

Family Style Meal (2018)

Family Style Meal (2018)

Delanique (2018)

Delanique (2018)

Igwedinma (2018)

Igwedinma (2018)

Isiuwa (2018)

Isiuwa (2018)

B and Igwedinma (2018)

B and Igwedinma (2018)

Nailah moving (2018)

Nailah moving (2018)

Igwedinma and me (2018)

Igwedinma and me (2018)

Isiuwa standing (2018)

Isiuwa standing (2018)

Glass (2018)

Glass (2018)

Wrists and arms (2018)

Wrists and arms (2018)

Hand near food (2018)

Hand near food (2018)

Ben twice (2018)

Ben twice (2018)

Nailah three times (2018)

Nailah three times (2018)

B (2018)

B (2018)

B (2018)

B (2018)

Sebastian (2018)

Sebastian (2018)

Clean plate (2018)

Clean plate (2018)



Booth and bag (2018)

Booth and bag (2018)

Italian waiter taking a picture (2018)

Italian waiter taking a picture (2018)

The picture the Italian waiter took (2018)

The picture the Italian waiter took (2018)

A.C. (2018)

A.C. (2018)

Reza at dinner (2018)

Reza at dinner (2018)

Zahlen für alles (2018)

Zahlen für alles (2018)

Isiuwa's bag on a chair (2018)

Isiuwa's bag on a chair (2018)

Ben and A (2018)

Ben and A (2018)

Igwedinma (2018)

Igwedinma (2018)

Sebastian (2018)

Sebastian (2018)

Hand in Ben's hair (2018)

Hand in Ben's hair (2018)

Igwedinma and Isiuwa (2018)

Igwedinma and Isiuwa (2018)

Ben's camera (2018)

Ben's camera (2018)

Igwedinma (2018)

Igwedinma (2018)

Igwedinma (2018)

Igwedinma (2018)

Cake (2018)

Cake (2018)

Igwedinma blowing out candles on his 24th birthday (2018)

Igwedinma blowing out candles on his 24th birthday (2018)

Igwedinma clapping (2018)

Igwedinma clapping (2018)

Cake slice (2018)

Cake slice (2018)

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