The Easiest Moroccan Style Mint Tea Recipe

The key to perfecting Moroccan style Mint Tea is in the caramelized sugar and the correct tea type. The tea is best enjoyed piping hot, ideally with endless pours.

Simple Moroccan Style Mint Tea Recipe

Moroccan Mint Tea. Image: Freepik.

To really enjoy the full experience of Moroccan mint tea, go to Morocco. There, known as Atay, you’ll find this tea is a standard at practically any meal, at any time of day. In the traditional manner, it is often poured from several meters above the teacup in order to form a sugary froth.


  • 2 teaspoons of Temple of Heaven Special Gunpowder Green Tea (8.8oz from $5.98 at Amazon)

  • 4 cups of water

  • 4 tablespoons of sugar

  • 10 sprigs of fresh mint


  1. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.

  2. In a teapot, add tea and mint leaves.

  3. Once boiling, add the sugar to the water, stirring to caramelize it.

  4. Pour the sugar water into the teapot.

  5. Steep for 10 minutes then serve.